Fowl Play:
An Interview with Kim Fowley and Brianna Garcia
By Rowynn Dumont
Camera and editing by Jorge Pallares
Trailer: "I Won't Give In" - Niceland
Niceland "I Won't Give In"
Lyrics by Michal Motyčka
Music by D NiceLand & Amak Golden
Produced & Mixed by Amak Golden
Mastering by Ecson Waldez
Starring Lauren WK and Daniel, a Ribiat
Produced by Rowynn Dumont
Directed by Niko Sonnberger
Story by Rowynn Dumont and Niko Sonnberger
Cinematography by Tas Limur and Carlos Oropeza
Gaffing by David Michael Cortes and Valentine Malone III
Production Design by Sarah Taub
Set Dressing by Fefe Amazing
MUAH by Fefe Amazing
"I Won't Give In" by Niceland was shot on location in Los Angeles, California.
Juakali - Tha Chillski
Date Created: 11/2010
John/ Juakali (artist)
Skin Diamond (model)
Asphyxia (model)
Shiva (model)
Marianna Geisha (model)
Jasmin Rituper (key dancer)
Jaime Blakely (possessed dancer)
Drewbird (possessed dancer)
Old Man: Allan Barnes
Young Child: Jane
Sequoia Emmanuelle
Drew Bird
Makeup artist
Megan Porschen (key makeup for dancer)
Mynxii White (key makeup and stylist for John)
Morgan Panter
Chelsea Still
Tas Limur
Production Manager & Art Director
Rowynn Michelle Dumont
Carlos Oropeza
Lighting Assistant
Benoit Fouassier
Assistant One
Ashes Wednesday
Assistant Two
Valentine Malone III